v1.1.0 Fools to the Polish

While @Duckblade and I are very happy with what we submitted for the jam, there were several features we had planned that we didn't have time to implement. We also got a lot of great feedback during the jam's rating period, and we wanted to act on that. This update addresses much of that feedback and adds a lot more polish to the game. The most notable changes include consistent spell keybinds and better adventurer AI.

We're hoping to later publish a final update with additional content including new adventurers, spells, and levels, so keep an eye out for it!


  • Features
    • Preview spells while charging
    • Adventurers attempt to path out of danger
    • Add auto-targeting support to all spells (click button with mouse)
    • Collect soul particles to level progress bar upon killing something
  • Polish
    • Use consistent keybinds per spell (e.g. Lump of Lava will always be bound to E)
    • Support holding down keys to immediately recast spells (now you can spam magic missiles)
    • Show deltas on health bars
    • Telegraph waves by opening their doors before they spawn
    • Speed up time while waiting for the next wave
    • Add custom sprites for training dummies and different boss states
    • Show a preview of spells in the level select to more easily find a specific level
    • Press 'P' to toggle the pause menu (this way you don't automatically exit fullscreen when you pause)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Prevent adventurers spawning inside walls
    • Fix archers' arrows sometimes despawning just before hitting you
    • Better UI sizing for the majority of aspect ratios


WebGL v1.1.0 Post-Jam Polish Play in browser
Aug 02, 2023

Get Fools to the Slaughter

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